Call Northland’s Te Matarau Education Trust on 0800 GET TRADES

Te Matarau Education Trust is a collective of 5 Hapū and Iwi who have come together to support Māori and Pasifika Trades Training in Tai Tokerau. Manaaki tangata is provided to our learners age 16-40 who undertake targeted trades training (provided by NorthTec and other partners such as Skills ITO, Service ITO, BCITO and the Primary ITO).

P 0800GETTRADES (0800 438 872)
F @TeMatarau

Opening House
Mon to Fri – 8.30am – 4.30pm
Sat to Sun – Closed

NorthTec Future Trades Campus, Level 1, 19 Dyer Street, Whangarei

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0800 GETTRADES (0800 438 872)