About Te Matarau Education Trust Trades training
Te Matarau Education Trust is a collective of hapū and iwi who work together to support Māori and Pasifika Trades Training in Tai Tokerau. We work in conjunction with tertiary providers and other partners such as Skills ITO, Service ITO, BCITO and the Primary ITO. Each year, Te Matarau Education Trust helps connect Māori and Pasifika learners in Northland with fees-free trades training. The scheme is a part of the Government’s Māori and Pasifika Trades Training initiative and has been operating in our region since 2013. The aim is to enable more Māori and Pasifika learners and jobseekers to obtain practical qualifications, trades apprenticeships and employment.
Our core business is to provide quality and professional pastoral care (manakitanga) for akonga who register under Te Matarau Education Trust. Our services means you work with our support kaiarahi (mentor) on a regular basis to assist you to remove barriers to learning.
Ākonga receive help to overcome any issues and barriers that might stop them studying. They are also supported to reconnect with their whakapapa with a kaupapa of “Kete riki, Kete Tangariki,” a Māori proverb which refers to helping young eels upstream, ie assisting people in their life’s journey while serving them through a collaborative and holistic learning approach.
For more information:
Phone 0800GETTRADES (0800 438 872)
Contact us via enquiry form here
Facebook @TeMatarau